

How Toxic Leadership Can Threaten the Health of an Organization

Its effects are pervasive, often triggering staff turnover Most articles about leadership focus on how to be a great leader. By offering tips and tricks on inspiring people, retaining staff, and guiding others towards achieving their full potential, these stories attract readers seeking to enhance their leadership skills. So far, I’ve hosted almost 100 podcasts...
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Spring Training Season Is Here – But How Can You Find the Time?

Every spring when daylight saving time kicks in and we lose an hour of sleep, a long-running debate is revived about its merits and drawbacks that is as old as the practice itself. Not surprisingly, the opposition to the custom isn’t as adamant in autumn when we gain an hour of sleep. This past March,...
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The Thrill of Anticipation Can Be a Driving Force That Helps Goals Come True

The remnants of the 2023 holiday season have barely been cleared away, but for some, this ending is the beginning of building anticipation for next year’s festivities. My daughter Simone is one of those people who is thinking ahead. She is already excited for next year’s holiday card, talking about what family photographs we will...
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Financial Management Monthly Calendar

Being an entrepreneur usually means having an endless to-do list, and many of them are time-sensitive tasks related to the day-to-day running of the business. It might be tempting to procrastinate chores related to long-term financial management when they don’t have hard deadlines. While cleaning up the books and taking proactive steps to plan for...
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